About me.

So you want to know about me hey??

Ahhhh.... the dreaded about me page... It is so difficult to write down anything about myself, but I am going to give it a go.  I was going to do it all alphabetized and awesome but after A is for Anie it became too difficult.

So, my name is Anie. I am a twenty something trying to navigate life on beautiful Vancouver Island. I am also a stoner. My life is not what you would call ideal. I have gone through hell and still struggle with some major issues on a regular basis, BUT, I am trying. I am working through everything. I am MOTIVATING (see what I did there) myself to live my dream life. This will involve a lot of changes and is going to be one hell of a journey, but I want to document it. I want to share my experiences with you. I want us all to learn and grow towards a brilliant future...together. Most importantly I want to MOTIVATE you. I want you to MOTIVATE yourself.

Anyway... My dream life is important to me. I want to have a published novel. I want to publish a book on my journey with PTSD and Ayahuasca. I want to have a photography shop and a place to show my paintings... all of these things involve me motivating myself to write, paint, and photograph life. I am inspired to do more with my life creatively. I want to hike and kayak and paddleboard. I want to explore every single trail and beach this island has to offer. I want to set foot on every continent. I want to create a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Some things you should know about me...
1. I ramble, a lot!
2. I have a huge love of ellipses... I use them too much for most people, but not enough for me.
3. I love animals. I have a dog and a cat, with plans to add more of both to my life.
4. I work a full time job in transportation in order to fulfill my goals.
5. I love weed! There will be a bunch of weed related posts.
6. In addition to my love of weed... I actually do have a valid prescription for a very valid reason which I will go into depth about later.
7. I love writing, painting, doodling, and photography. There will be lots of all of this on this blog.
8. I love travel! I want to explore the entire world!!
9. I have a secret dream of being a yoga instructor... I don't know if it will ever work out, but I would sure like to try!
10. I'm still learning! There is so much about the world and myself that I just don't know anything about. I never want to stop learning!

If you want to ask me anything or have any ideas on what you would like me to address than let me know!

Love and Light!


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